CCEA’s National Board Certification Program 2018-2019

CCEA’s National Board Certification Program
National Board Certification (NBC) Candidate Support: Candidate support is provided to educators who are working to achieve National Board Certification (NBC). Trained National Board Certified facilitators guide educators through the process. The support system for candidates helps educators:
Understand the National Board Standards for highly accomplished teaching.
Reflect thoughtfully on the effectiveness of their practice.
Prepare components connecting their teaching and student achievement.
Informational Meetings: Informational meetings provide an introduction to the process of National Board certification. The meetings are designed for educators who are considering pursuing National Board certification and want to learn more about the certification process. The informational meetings are free of charge for educators to attend. Click here to register
Achieve! Academy : This 5-day National Board ‘boot camp’ prepares teachers for National Board certification and includes preparation for writing about teaching, learning and reflection, videotaping your practice, information on Standards, the Architecture of Accomplished Teaching, the 5 Core Propositions and the scoring process. Achieve! Academy fees are $250 for CCEA members and $500 for non-members. A 3-credit PDE is available for participation in the Achieve! Academy. Click Here to Register
Facilitator Training: Coaching for National Board is a free training for NBCTs and advanced candidates who would like to become National Board cohort facilitators. Click Here to Register
Traditional Cohorts: Year-long cohorts are organized according to Components 1-4. A trained National Board Certified Teacher Candidate Support Provider (CSP) coaches a cohort of candidates through the writing and development of each component. Year-long Candidate Support fees are $275 for CCEA members and $350 for non-members. Click here to reserve your seat. Additional information about dates, times, locations, and payment will be available in August.
Each cohort of approximately 10 candidates meets 8 times. Cohort meetings run approximately 3 hours.
3-credit PDE classes are available for Component 2 and Component 3.
Home Stretch: Home Stretch is a full day of coaching by National Board Certified Teachers right when candidates need it the most—just as they are getting ready to make final revisions to their component submissions. Home Stretch consists of two sessions:
Morning Session:
Peer Feedback. Small ‘like-certificate’ groups will meet with one NBCT Facilitator to read and provide standards-based feedback on the written commentary for Components 2, 3, or 4 using a protocol specially designed for use at CCEA Home Stretch events.
Afternoon Session:
Component One Preparation: In a small ‘like-certificate’ groups candidates will explore the selected response items, the constructed response exercises, and released items OR receive feedback on another Component. Candidates may choose to receive feedback on another component. Afternoon feedback groups may or may not be from a ‘like-certificate’ area.
Candidate Formative and Summative Reads: Candidates who wish to have their components read by another National Board Certified Teacher may participate in the Readings program. This program is done electronically or face-to-face with written feedback given on two readings.
National Board Professional Development Schools: National Board Professional Development School sites have a cohort, which consists of ten or more candidates of diverse certification areas, pursuing National Board Certification. The cohorts are supported by a site-based leadership team, comprised of a site administrator, a trained National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) facilitator, and a teacher liaison, who collaborate and communicate with one another to ensure that the necessary supports are in place to assist candidates in impacting teaching and learning throughout the National Board journey using the National Board Standards as a common language. Each cohort receives twenty-four (24) hours of on-site professional development.
For additional information please contact:
Elizabeth Campbell
CCEA 4230 McLeod Drive Las Vegas NV 89121
Office: 702-733-3063 Direct: 702-473-1012 Email: